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Why You Should Use Vital Oxide: The Ultimate Disinfectant Solution

In today’s world, maintaining a clean and safe environment has never been more critical. Whether you’re responsible for a healthcare facility, a food processing plant, an office, or your own home, choosing the right disinfectant is essential. Vital Oxide stands out as a top-tier solution, providing comprehensive disinfection and protection against a broad spectrum of pathogens. Here’s why you should consider Vital Oxide for your disinfecting needs.

One Product, Eight Solutions

Vital Oxide is not just a disinfectant; it’s a versatile, multi-functional product designed to address various cleaning and sanitizing challenges. Here are the eight key solutions it offers:

  1. Kills 99.999% of Viruses: Vital Oxide is incredibly effective, killing 99.999% of viruses, including some of the most challenging pathogens such as MRSA, Norovirus, Legionella pneumophilia, E. coli, and the H1N1 virus (Swine Flu).
  2. EPA-Registered Hospital Disinfectant: It holds an EPA registration, indicating its efficacy and safety. Vital Oxide is classified in the lowest toxicity category by the EPA, making it safe for use in diverse environments, including hospitals.
  3. NSF-Registered for Food-Contact Surfaces: Vital Oxide is NSF-registered, meaning it requires no rinse when used on food-contact surfaces. This feature is crucial for the food and beverage industry, ensuring both safety and compliance with regulations.
  4. Free of Volatile Organic Compounds: Vital Oxide is free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making it a safer choice for indoor environments. It doesn’t contribute to indoor air pollution, which can be harmful to health.
  5. Bleach-Free and Phosphate-Free: Unlike many disinfectants that rely on harsh chemicals, Vital Oxide is bleach-free and phosphate-free. This makes it safer for both users and the environment, reducing the risk of chemical burns and environmental contamination.
  6. Hypo-Allergenic and Non-Irritating: Vital Oxide is gentle on the skin and hypo-allergenic, making it suitable for use in environments where people with sensitivities or allergies might be present.
  7. Non-Corrosive: It is non-corrosive to treated articles, which means it can be used on a variety of surfaces without causing damage. This is particularly important for preserving the integrity of medical equipment, machinery, and other valuable assets.
  8. Odor Eliminator: Vital Oxide is highly effective at eliminating odors, not just masking them. It breaks down the molecular structure of odor-causing compounds, ensuring long-lasting freshness without added fragrances or perfumes.

Mold and Mildew Control

Vital Oxide excels in mold and mildew control, killing mold and mildew at the source and preventing regrowth for up to seven months. This feature is particularly beneficial for maintaining healthy indoor air quality and preventing structural damage caused by mold infestations.

Proven Efficacy

Vital Oxide’s efficacy has been proven in independent testing. It effectively kills a wide range of pathogens, making it a reliable choice for disinfection in healthcare settings, schools, office buildings, and homes. Its powerful formula ensures comprehensive protection against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

Vital Oxide’s formulation prioritizes safety and environmental responsibility. Being free of harsh chemicals, VOCs, and allergens, it ensures a safer environment for users and reduces the impact on the planet. Its non-corrosive nature also means it won’t damage surfaces, prolonging the lifespan of your assets.

Versatility Across Applications

Vital Oxide’s versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications:

  • Healthcare: Ensures sterile conditions and reduces the risk of healthcare-associated infections.
  • Food and Beverage: Maintains food safety by disinfecting surfaces without requiring rinsing.
  • Residential: Provides peace of mind by effectively cleaning and sanitizing homes.
  • Commercial and Industrial: Keeps workplaces safe and compliant with health regulations.


Vital Oxide is a game-changer in the world of disinfectants. Its broad-spectrum efficacy, safety profile, and environmental friendliness make it an ideal choice for anyone seeking a reliable and effective disinfecting solution. By choosing Vital Oxide, you are not only ensuring a cleaner and safer environment but also supporting a product that aligns with modern health and environmental standards. Make the smart choice for your disinfection needs—choose Vital Oxide.

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Vital Oxide Against Biofilms!

Biofilms are complex, multicellular communities of microorganisms that adhere to surfaces, creating a protective matrix that makes them highly resistant to conventional cleaning and disinfecting methods. Found in various environments, including medical facilities, industrial settings, and even households, biofilms pose significant challenges due to their resilience and potential to harbor harmful pathogens. Addressing this issue requires a powerful and effective solution. Enter Vital Oxide, an EPA and Health Canada registered hospital disinfectant cleaner, mold remover, and super effective odor eliminator.

Understanding Biofilms

Before delving into how Vital Oxide works, it’s essential to understand what biofilms are and why they are so difficult to eliminate. Biofilms form when microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae adhere to surfaces in moist environments. These microorganisms secrete extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), creating a protective matrix that encases the cells, allowing them to survive and thrive in hostile conditions.

This matrix not only protects the microorganisms from external threats but also enhances their resistance to antibiotics and disinfectants. As a result, biofilms can be found on medical devices, water pipes, kitchen surfaces, and more, posing significant health risks and operational challenges.

The Power of Vital Oxide

Vital Oxide stands out in the realm of disinfectants due to its unique formulation and multifaceted approach to eliminating biofilms. Here’s how it works:

  1. Penetration of the Biofilm Matrix: The first step in effectively combating biofilms is penetrating the protective matrix. Vital Oxide’s advanced formula contains surfactants that break down the EPS, allowing the disinfectant to reach the microorganisms embedded within the biofilm.
  2. Oxidative Action: Once the biofilm matrix is penetrated, Vital Oxide’s active ingredient, chlorine dioxide, comes into play. Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizing agent that disrupts the cellular processes of microorganisms, effectively killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This oxidative action ensures that even the most resilient pathogens within the biofilm are neutralized.
  3. Broad-Spectrum Efficacy: Vital Oxide is effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including those commonly found in biofilms. Its broad-spectrum efficacy ensures comprehensive disinfection, making it an ideal choice for various settings, from hospitals to industrial facilities.
  4. Residual Protection: Unlike some disinfectants that provide only temporary relief, Vital Oxide offers residual protection. This means that after application, it continues to work on the surface, preventing the reformation of biofilms and ensuring long-lasting cleanliness and safety.
  5. Safety and Environmental Considerations: Vital Oxide’s formulation is designed to be safe for use in various environments. It is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and does not produce harmful byproducts. This makes it an environmentally friendly choice, aligning with the increasing demand for sustainable cleaning solutions.

Applications and Benefits

The versatility of Vital Oxide makes it suitable for a wide range of applications:

  • Healthcare: In medical facilities, biofilms can form on equipment and surfaces, leading to infections. Vital Oxide’s effectiveness in penetrating and eliminating biofilms helps maintain a sterile environment, reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections.
  • Food and Beverage Industry: In food processing and preparation areas, biofilms can harbor harmful pathogens that contaminate products. Vital Oxide ensures thorough disinfection, safeguarding food safety and quality.
  • Water Systems: Biofilms in water pipes and cooling towers can lead to operational inefficiencies and health risks. Vital Oxide’s powerful action helps maintain clean and safe water systems.
  • Residential Use: For households, Vital Oxide provides peace of mind by effectively eliminating biofilms on kitchen surfaces, bathrooms, and other areas prone to microbial growth.

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The Brewing Journey: Challenges and Solutions for Brewers in British Columbia

Brewing beer is an art form that dates back thousands of years. However, modern brewers face unique challenges that make the process both exciting and daunting. From the initial selection of ingredients to the final product, every step in the brewing process demands precision, expertise, and the right tools. For brewers in British Columbia, the journey is no different, with added regional nuances and preferences shaping their craft.

The Brewing Process: From Grain to Glass

  1. Ingredient Selection: The first step in brewing is selecting high-quality ingredients. Brewers need to source the finest barley, hops, yeast, and water. The quality of these ingredients directly affects the taste and aroma of the final product.
  2. Mashing: This process involves soaking the grains in hot water to extract fermentable sugars. The challenge here is maintaining the correct temperature to ensure optimal sugar extraction.
  3. Boiling: The wort (liquid extracted from the mashing process) is boiled and hops are added. The timing and quantity of hops added can dramatically alter the beer’s bitterness and flavor profile.
  4. Fermentation: Yeast is added to the cooled wort, where it begins to ferment the sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This stage requires careful monitoring of temperature and time to ensure the yeast works effectively.
  5. Conditioning and Packaging: After fermentation, the beer is conditioned to develop its flavor and carbonation. Finally, it is packaged in bottles, cans, or kegs for distribution.

Challenges Faced by Brewers

  • Consistency: Achieving consistent flavor and quality in each batch can be difficult. Variations in ingredients, temperature, and equipment can lead to inconsistent results.
  • Sanitation: Keeping equipment clean and free from contaminants is crucial. Even a small amount of bacteria can ruin an entire batch of beer.
  • Efficiency: Brewing is a time-intensive process. Optimizing each step to save time without compromising quality is a constant challenge.

Deep Dive into the Challenges of Brewing

  1. Ingredient Variability: Even the same type of barley or hops can have variations in flavor and quality based on the growing season, weather, and other factors. This variability can lead to subtle differences in the beer’s taste from batch to batch.
  2. Water Chemistry: Water is a major component of beer, and its mineral content can significantly affect the brewing process and the final product. Brewers must often treat their water to achieve the desired pH and mineral balance, which can be a complex and precise task.
  3. Temperature Control: Different stages of brewing require precise temperature control. For example, the mashing process needs to be maintained within a specific temperature range to ensure the enzymes convert starches into fermentable sugars effectively. Similarly, the fermentation process requires consistent temperatures to ensure the yeast performs optimally.
  4. Fermentation Issues: Yeast health is critical to successful fermentation. Brewers must ensure that the yeast is pitched at the right time and in the right quantities. Additionally, they must monitor the fermentation process closely to prevent off-flavors, which can occur if the yeast is stressed or if fermentation temperatures fluctuate.
  5. Infection Risks: Contamination by wild yeast or bacteria can spoil a batch of beer. This risk makes sanitation one of the most critical aspects of the brewing process. Even a small lapse in cleaning can introduce unwanted microorganisms that can produce undesirable flavors or cause the beer to spoil.
  6. Recipe Scaling: Scaling a recipe from a small test batch to full production can be challenging. What works on a small scale may not translate directly to larger volumes, requiring adjustments and careful monitoring.

The Integral Role of Cleaning in Brewing

Sanitation is paramount in brewing, as even the smallest contamination can ruin an entire batch. Brewers must ensure that all equipment is meticulously cleaned and sanitized before and after each use. This includes fermentation tanks, piping, hoses, and bottling equipment. Effective cleaning removes residues that can harbor bacteria and wild yeast, ensuring that each batch of beer starts with a clean slate.

Solutions from Vitatek Solutions’ Brewclean Product Line

Vitatek Solutions has developed the Brewclean product line to address these challenges, offering a range of cleaning and sanitizing solutions specifically designed for brewers.

  • Alkaline CIP (Clean-In-Place): This solution helps brewers clean their equipment thoroughly without the need for disassembly. It effectively removes organic residues such as proteins and sugars, ensuring the equipment is ready for the next batch.
  • PBW (Powdered Brewery Wash): PBW is a versatile cleaner that can be used for soaking and scrubbing. It is particularly effective at breaking down tough residues and is safe for all brewing equipment.
  • Acid CIP: Acidic cleaners are essential for removing mineral deposits that can build up over time. Acid CIP from Vitatek Solutions ensures that all surfaces are free from scale and other inorganic materials.
  • Caustic Foam: For surfaces that are difficult to reach with traditional cleaning methods, caustic foam provides thorough coverage. It clings to surfaces, breaking down organic materials and ensuring a deep clean.

Enhancing the Brewing Experience in British Columbia

Brewers in Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, and Nanaimo can greatly benefit from these advanced cleaning solutions. With the support of Vitatek Solutions’ Brewclean product line, they can maintain the highest standards of sanitation and efficiency, ensuring their beers are consistently top-notch.

By overcoming the challenges of brewing with the right tools and techniques, brewers can focus on what they do best: crafting exceptional beers that delight their customers. The brewing community in British Columbia is vibrant and innovative, and with the help of companies like Vitatek Solutions, it is poised for even greater success.

In conclusion, the journey from grain to glass is fraught with challenges, but with the right support, brewers can navigate these obstacles and create beers that stand out in the crowded market. Whether you’re a seasoned brewer or just starting, the right cleaning and sanitizing solutions are essential for success. Explore the full range of Brewclean products from Vitatek Solutions and take your brewing to the next level.

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Vitatek Solutions: Your Trusted Partner for Superior Cleaning Chemicals

Vitatek Solutions has established itself as a leading provider of top-quality cleaning chemicals for various industries, including restaurants, breweries, healthcare facilities, and processing plants. Our comprehensive range of products ensures that your establishment remains clean, safe, and compliant with industry standards.

Serving Kelowna, Vancouver, and Beyond

From the vibrant city of Vancouver to the scenic beauty of Kelowna and the numerous cities in between, Vitatek Solutions is proud to support businesses across British Columbia with our exceptional cleaning solutions. Our local presence ensures that you receive prompt and personalized service, no matter where your business is located.

Brewery Cleaning Chemicals

Maintaining cleanliness in breweries is crucial to ensure the quality and safety of the final product. Vitatek Solutions offers a range of brewery cleaning chemicals, including caustic brewery cleaners and brewery CIP chemicals, designed to tackle even the toughest residues. Our brewery cleaners ensure that your brewing equipment remains in optimal condition, free from contaminants that could affect the taste and safety of your beverages.


  1. Product Quality: Our chemicals are formulated to be effective against the residues and microorganisms commonly found in brewing equipment.
  2. Safety: Ensuring the safety of both your products and your employees.
  3. Efficiency: Quick and thorough cleaning, minimizing downtime.


  1. Initial Cost: High-quality cleaning chemicals can be more expensive upfront.
  2. Training Requirements: Proper usage requires training, which can be time-consuming.

Impact of Safe and Reliable Chemicals:

Safe and reliable cleaning chemicals are essential for preventing contamination, ensuring that the flavors and quality of the beer are consistent. Using the right chemicals also protects your equipment from damage, extending its lifespan and reducing long-term costs.

Restaurant Cleaning Chemicals

Restaurants require a rigorous cleaning regimen to maintain hygiene and safety standards. Vitatek Solutions provides an extensive array of restaurant cleaning chemicals tailored to every need:

  • Commercial Kitchen Cleaners: Our professional restaurant kitchen cleaners are designed to handle the toughest kitchen environments, ensuring that every surface is spotless.
  • Commercial Oven Cleaners: Keep your ovens in top shape with our powerful commercial oven cleaner products, which effortlessly remove baked-on grease and grime.
  • Restaurant Floor Cleaners: We offer the best floor cleaner for restaurants, including restaurant floor cleaner machines and effective restaurant floor degreasers, to keep your floors safe and clean.
  • Restaurant Degreasers: Our best commercial kitchen degreasers tackle the toughest grease and grime, ensuring that your kitchen remains clean and safe.
  • Sanitizers and Disinfectants: Maintain the highest hygiene standards with our range of restaurant sanitizers, including disinfectant sprays for restaurant tables and commercial kitchen disinfectants.


  1. Comprehensive Solutions: A wide range of products for every cleaning need.
  2. Hygiene: Ensures a high level of cleanliness, crucial for food safety.
  3. Efficiency: Products designed to work quickly and effectively.


  1. Cost: High-quality products may be more expensive than generic brands.
  2. Storage: Requires adequate storage space for various chemicals.

Impact of Safe and Reliable Chemicals:

Using safe and reliable cleaning chemicals in a restaurant setting helps prevent foodborne illnesses and ensures compliance with health regulations. These chemicals also help maintain a pleasant dining environment, which can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Healthcare Facility Cleaning Solutions

In healthcare facilities, cleanliness is paramount. Vitatek Solutions provides specialized cleaning chemicals designed to meet the stringent requirements of the healthcare industry. Our products ensure that all surfaces are thoroughly sanitized, reducing the risk of contamination and infection.


  1. Stringent Standards: Meets healthcare industry regulations and standards.
  2. Efficacy: Highly effective against a wide range of pathogens.
  3. Safety: Formulated to be safe for use in sensitive environments.


  1. Cost: Higher cost due to the specialized nature of the chemicals.
  2. Usage Training: Requires staff training for proper and safe use.

Impact of Safe and Reliable Chemicals:

Using the right cleaning chemicals in healthcare facilities is crucial for preventing the spread of infections and ensuring the safety of both patients and staff. Reliable chemicals help maintain a sterile environment, which is essential for patient care and recovery.

Processing Plant Cleaning Solutions

Processing plants require robust cleaning solutions to maintain operational efficiency and product safety. Vitatek Solutions offers a range of chemicals tailored to the needs of processing plants, ensuring that your equipment and facilities are clean and compliant with industry standards.


  1. Efficiency: Designed for quick and thorough cleaning.
  2. Compliance: Helps meet industry regulations and standards.
  3. Safety: Reduces the risk of contamination and product recalls.


  1. Cost: Investment in high-quality chemicals can be significant.
  2. Training and Implementation: Requires proper training and implementation.

Impact of Safe and Reliable Chemicals:

In processing plants, safe and reliable cleaning chemicals ensure that products are free from contaminants and meet quality standards. This is vital for maintaining consumer trust and avoiding costly recalls.

Why Choose Vitatek Solutions?

  • Quality Products: Our cleaning chemicals are formulated to provide superior performance, ensuring that your facilities are not only clean but also safe and compliant with industry standards.
  • Exceptional Service: We pride ourselves on our customer service, offering prompt and personalized support to meet your specific needs.
  • Local Expertise: With a strong presence in Kelowna, Vancouver, and the surrounding areas, we understand the unique needs of businesses in British Columbia.

Contact Us Today

Discover the Vitatek Solutions difference. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you maintain the highest standards of cleanliness in your establishment. Whether you are in Kelowna, Vancouver, or any city in between, Vitatek Solutions is your trusted partner for superior cleaning chemicals.

With Vitatek Solutions, you can be confident that your business will shine with cleanliness and safety, leaving you free to focus on what you do best.

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Your Premier Provider of Cleaning Products

At Vitatek Solutions, we are dedicated to offering top-tier cleaning products that cater to all your needs for maintaining a pristine and healthy environment. Whether you are looking for solutions for cleaning services, disinfection services, house cleaning, commercial cleaning, or mold removal, we have a comprehensive range of products designed to meet your requirements. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our offerings of green cleaning and eco-friendly cleaning products.

Our Product Range

  1. Cleaning Services Although we do not provide cleaning services ourselves, our products empower professional cleaners and DIY enthusiasts alike. Our high-quality cleaning products effectively tackle dirt and grime, ensuring spaces are spotless and hygienic. From powerful detergents to specialized cleaning agents, our range includes everything needed for professional-level cleanliness.
  2. Disinfection Services Maintaining a germ-free environment is more critical than ever. Our disinfection products are specially formulated to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, providing a safe and sanitary space for you and your loved ones. These disinfectants are ideal for homes, offices, schools, healthcare facilities, and other areas where hygiene is paramount.
  3. House Cleaning Keeping your home clean can be a daunting task, but with Vitatek Solutions, it becomes much easier. Our house cleaning products are designed to make household chores more efficient and effective. We offer a variety of solutions that cater to different cleaning needs, ensuring every corner of your home remains sparkling clean.
  4. Commercial Cleaning Our commercial cleaning products meet the rigorous demands of professional cleaning services. Whether you manage a small business or a large enterprise, our products ensure that your premises remain clean and inviting. From office buildings to industrial complexes, our cleaning solutions are up to the task.
  5. Green Cleaning Sustainability is at the heart of what we do. Our green cleaning products are eco-friendly and biodegradable, providing powerful cleaning performance without harming the environment. These products are ideal for those who want to maintain a clean space while also protecting our planet.
  6. Eco-friendly Cleaning Similar to our green cleaning line, our eco-friendly cleaning products are designed to be safe for both users and the environment. Free from harsh chemicals and toxins, these products are perfect for households with children and pets. Our eco-friendly solutions ensure that you can clean effectively while minimizing your environmental footprint.
  7. Mold Removal Mold can pose serious health risks and damage property. Our mold removal products are powerful and effective, designed to eliminate mold and prevent its return. With Vitatek Solutions, you can keep your spaces mold-free and ensure a healthier environment for everyone.

Why Choose Vitatek Solutions?

  • Quality and Effectiveness: Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness. We stand by the performance of our cleaning solutions, offering reliable results every time.
  • Safety: Your safety is our priority. Our products are formulated to be non-toxic and safe for everyday use, giving you peace of mind while cleaning.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to environmental sustainability. Our green and eco-friendly products are designed to reduce environmental impact without compromising on cleaning power.
  • Versatility: From residential to commercial applications, our products are versatile and suitable for a wide range of cleaning needs. Whether you need to clean your home, office, or industrial facility, Vitatek Solutions has the right product for you.

Explore Our Product Lines

Household Cleaners: Our household cleaning products are designed to tackle everyday messes and tough stains. From kitchen to bathroom cleaners, we have everything you need to maintain a clean home.

Commercial Cleaners: For businesses, maintaining a clean environment is crucial for both employee health and customer satisfaction. Our commercial cleaning products are formulated to handle high-traffic areas and tough grime.

Disinfectants: Protect your space with our range of disinfectants, which are effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens, including bacteria and viruses. Ideal for use in homes, offices, and public spaces.

Green Cleaning Products: Our green cleaning line includes products that are eco-friendly and biodegradable, ensuring you can clean effectively without harming the environment.

Eco-friendly Cleaning Solutions: Similar to our green cleaning line, these products are free from harsh chemicals and safe for both users and the environment.

Mold Removers: Mold can be a persistent problem, but our mold removal products are designed to eliminate mold and prevent its return, ensuring a healthier environment.

Our Commitment to Quality and Safety

At Vitatek Solutions, we believe that quality and safety should never be compromised. Our products are formulated to provide effective cleaning solutions while ensuring the safety of our users. We prioritize non-toxic, biodegradable ingredients that deliver powerful cleaning results without adverse effects on health or the environment.

Sustainable Cleaning for a Better Tomorrow

Our commitment to sustainability drives us to continually innovate and improve our product offerings. We strive to provide cleaning solutions that not only meet your needs but also contribute to a healthier planet. By choosing Vitatek Solutions, you are supporting a company dedicated to environmental responsibility.

Get in Touch with Us

If you have any questions or need assistance in choosing the right products for your needs, our team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how Vitatek Solutions can help you maintain a clean and healthy environment with our superior cleaning products.

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The Ultimate Solution for Mold, Odor, Virus, and Bacteria Elimination: Vital Oxide

In today’s world, maintaining a clean and safe environment is more critical than ever. Whether it’s your home, office, school, or any public space, ensuring that the area is free from harmful germs and unpleasant odors is essential. This is where Vital Oxide steps in as the ultimate cleaning solution. Vital Oxide kills mold, eliminates odors safely and effectively, and even eliminates viruses and bacteria, creating a safer public space without leaving harmful residue. This ready-to-use formula is gentle on users but tough on germs, making it ideal for a wide range of industries and applications.

The Benefits of Vital Oxide

  1. Mold Elimination: Mold is not just an unsightly problem; it can also pose serious health risks. Vital Oxide effectively kills mold on contact, ensuring that your environment remains safe and mold-free.
  2. Odor Elimination: Bad odors can make any space uncomfortable. Vital Oxide eliminates odors at the source, providing a fresh and clean atmosphere.
  3. Virus and Bacteria Elimination: In light of recent global health concerns, the ability to eliminate viruses and bacteria has never been more crucial. Vital Oxide is proven to kill a wide range of pathogens, creating a safer public space.
  4. Safe and Gentle: Despite its powerful germ-killing properties, Vital Oxide is not a harsh chemical. It doesn’t leave harmful residue, making it safe for use around people and pets.
  5. NSF Certified and EPA Listed: Vital Oxide is NSF Certified for food contact surfaces and is listed as a category IV (the lowest approved category) pesticide with the EPA, ensuring its safety and efficacy.

Industries That Benefit from Vital Oxide

Vital Oxide’s versatility makes it suitable for a broad range of industries. Here are some key sectors that can benefit from this powerful disinfectant:

  • Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics, and dental offices require the highest standards of cleanliness. Vital Oxide ensures that these environments are free from harmful pathogens, providing a safe space for patients and healthcare workers.
  • Education: Schools and daycare centers can be breeding grounds for germs. Using Vital Oxide helps keep these facilities clean and safe for children and staff.
  • Hospitality: Hotels, resorts, and restaurants need to maintain a pristine environment to ensure guest satisfaction. Vital Oxide effectively eliminates germs and odors, enhancing the guest experience.
  • Food Service: In the food industry, maintaining cleanliness is paramount. Vital Oxide’s NSF certification for food contact surfaces makes it an ideal choice for restaurants, food processing plants, and commercial kitchens.
  • Public Transportation: Buses, trains, and airplanes can harbor a multitude of germs. Vital Oxide helps keep these vehicles clean and safe for passengers.
  • Offices and Commercial Buildings: Maintaining a clean workspace is essential for employee health and productivity. Vital Oxide ensures that offices and commercial buildings are free from harmful germs.
  • Retail: Stores and shopping centers must provide a safe environment for customers and staff. Vital Oxide’s effective cleaning properties help achieve this goal.
  • Fitness Centers: Gyms and fitness centers are high-touch environments that require regular disinfection. Vital Oxide ensures these facilities are safe for members.

Locations Served

Vital Oxide is available across numerous locations, ensuring that communities have access to this powerful cleaning solution. Residents and businesses in areas such as Abbotsford, Burnaby, and Vancouver can benefit from its use. Whether you’re in the vibrant city of Victoria, the picturesque town of Courtenay, or the bustling center of Surrey, Vital Oxide is there to meet your cleaning needs. From Nanaimo to Prince George, and from Kelowna to Kamloops, Vital Oxide’s reach ensures cleaner, safer environments across the region.


Vital Oxide is the go-to solution for effective mold, odor, virus, and bacteria elimination. Its gentle yet powerful formula makes it suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries. Whether you’re in healthcare, education, hospitality, or any other sector, Vital Oxide provides the peace of mind that comes with a cleaner, safer space. Available in locations like Abbotsford, Vancouver, Victoria, and many more, Vital Oxide is ready to help you achieve the highest standards of cleanliness and safety. Choose Vital Oxide and experience the difference in your environment today.


Kelowna General Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, Mount Saint Joseph Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital, UBC Hospital Emergency Department, BC Women’s Hospital – Main Entrance, Vancouver General Hospital Emergency Department, BC Children’s Hospital, Lions Gate Hospital, Teck Emergency Centre, St. Paul’s Hospital Emergency


Southlands Nursery, Hunters Garden Centre, Figaro’s Garden, Shannon Oaks – Vancouver

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Brewing Brilliance: Elevating Hygiene from Kelowna to Vancouver and Beyond

In the heart of British Columbia’s burgeoning craft beer scene, the importance of pristine brewery hygiene cannot be overstated. From the picturesque vineyards of Kelowna to the bustling streets of Vancouver and the charming towns in between—such as Kamloops, Penticton, Vernon, Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Surrey, Burnaby, Richmond, and New Westminster—local brewers recognize the critical role that Clean-In-Place (CIP) systems and specialized chemicals play in safeguarding the quality and safety of their brews.

To support our local brewing community, we’ve meticulously developed a comprehensive line of cleaning products tailored to the unique needs of breweries across British Columbia. Our Clean-In-Place and external tank cleaning solutions, including peroxyacetic acid (PAA), Powdered Brewery Wash (PBW), and Alkaline CIP, are specifically formulated to meet the rigorous standards of hygiene demanded by brewers in Kelowna, Vancouver, and the surrounding towns.

PAA, renowned for its powerful oxidizing properties, effectively sterilizes brewing equipment, eliminating harmful bacteria and contaminants with ease. Meanwhile, PBW tackles organic deposits and stubborn stains, leaving brewing vessels immaculate and ready for the next batch. And Caustic, with its alkaline prowess, dissolves proteins and fats, ensuring thorough cleaning of tanks and pipes.

But our dedication to excellence goes beyond product development. We’ve collaborated closely with Brewmasters from Kelowna, Vancouver, and the neighboring towns, ensuring that our formulations are fine-tuned to meet the unique challenges of each brewery in the region. By incorporating their expertise and insights, we’ve crafted cleaning solutions that deliver unparalleled performance and reliability.

Endorsed by local Brewmasters, our cleaning solutions have become the trusted choice for breweries of all sizes across British Columbia. Whether you’re crafting small-batch specialties in Kelowna, serving up pints in Vancouver, or brewing in any of the vibrant towns in between, our products are designed to optimize your brewing process and elevate the quality of your beers.

At the core of our mission is a commitment to supporting the local brewing community and fostering the growth of BC’s craft beer culture. From Kelowna to Vancouver and every town in between, including Kamloops, Penticton, Vernon, Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Surrey, Burnaby, Richmond, and New Westminster, we’re proud to play a part in helping breweries thrive by providing the cleaning solutions they need to create exceptional beers, one batch at a time.

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Benefits of Eco-Friendly Sanitizers

Did you know that Vital Oxide is an eco-friendly sanitizer? There are several benefits to using eco-friendly sanitizers, including:

  1. Better for the environment: Eco-friendly sanitizers use biodegradable ingredients that are less harmful to the environment than traditional sanitizers, which often contain harsh chemicals. This reduces the negative impact on the environment and helps to reduce pollution and waste.
  1. Safer for human health: Typically, eco-friendly sanitizers do not contain ingredients that can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, or other health issues. This means that they are safer for both the person using them and for those who may come into contact with the surfaces that have been sanitized.
  1. Cost-effective: While some eco-friendly sanitizers may be slightly more expensive than traditional sanitizers, they are often more concentrated and can be diluted to create a larger amount of solution. This makes them more cost-effective in the long run. However, Vital Oxide is one of the most cost effective eco-friendly solutions on the market.
  1. Effective against bacteria and viruses: Did you know that Vital Oxide is up to 99.99999% effective against bacteria and viruses? Without the sometimes negative side effects of harsh cleaners and disinfectants. 
  1. Pleasant scent: Many eco-friendly sanitizers use ingredients to provide a pleasant scent, which can be more appealing than the harsh chemical smell of traditional sanitizers.

Overall, eco-friendly sanitizers offer a safer, more sustainable, and effective alternative to traditional sanitizers.

What Makes An Eco-Friendly Sanitizer Solution?

An eco-friendly sanitizer solution is made from ingredients that are either natural or biodegradable, and non-toxic to the environment and human health. Eco-friendly sanitizers like Vital Oxide also herald the following benefits:

No Harsh Chemicals

By avoiding harsh chemicals, eco-friendly sanitizers like Vital Oxide reduce the risk of skin irritation and respiratory problems that can be caused by exposure to traditional sanitizers. Additionally, eco-friendly sanitizers are safer for the environment because they don’t contain chemicals that can pollute the air, water, and soil.

However, it’s important to note that just because a sanitizer is labeled “eco-friendly” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s completely free of chemicals. Even natural ingredients can be harmful in certain concentrations, so it’s important to choose eco-friendly sanitizers from reputable companies that disclose their ingredient lists and use safe and effective formulations.

Environmentally Sustainable Ingredients and Packaging

In addition to avoiding harsh chemicals, eco-friendly sanitizer solutions are typically made from environmentally sustainable ingredients and packaged in eco-friendly materials, or available in refillable containers or spray bottles. Here are some examples:

  1. Biodegradable ingredients: Eco-friendly sanitizer solutions are made from ingredients that are biodegradable, meaning they break down naturally over time without harming the environment. 
  2. Recyclable or refillable packaging: Vital Oxide and Vitatek Solutions’ eco-friendly sanitizer is packaged in materials that are recyclable.. This reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and helps to conserve natural resources.
  3. Refillable containers: Vitatek Solutions offers refillable containers, which allows customers to reuse the same bottle multiple times. This reduces the amount of waste generated from single-use packaging.

By using environmentally sustainable ingredients and packaging, Vitatek Solutions helps to reduce the negative impact on the environment and promote more sustainable practices in providing accessible eco-friendly sanitizers for public consumption, and in wholesale distribution opportunities.

Kills Germs and Viruses Safely

Vital Oxide kills up to 99.99999% of germs and viruses safely, using non-toxic ingredients that are effective against a wide range of pathogens, using chlorine dioxide, and safe ingredients that are equally effective without negative side effects. 

Overall, eco-friendly sanitizer solutions can provide effective protection against germs and viruses while also being safe for human health and the environment.

Safe For A Multitude Of Industries

Eco-friendly sanitizers like Vital Oxide are so versatile that they’ve proven to be safe for a multitude of high traffic industries that require regular cleanings, and safe products. 

Home and Personal Use

Vital Oxide is suitable for home and personal use, and can be used to disinfect surfaces, hands, and other items to help prevent the spread of germs and viruses.

Vital Oxide can also be used to disinfect surfaces in the home, such as kitchen counters, bathroom surfaces, and other high-touch areas. Eco-friendly sanitizers can be sprayed or wiped onto the surface and left to dry, effectively killing germs and viruses.

It’s important to choose a product that has been tested and shown to be effective against a wide range of pathogens. Vital Oxide is NSF certified for food surface contamination, and effective against flu viruses, and fighting against the spread of COVID-19. 

Industrial and Commercial Kitchens

Eco-friendly sanitizer solutions are also suitable for use in industrial and commercial kitchens. In fact, Vital Oxide offers industrial-sized wholesale products that are specifically designed for use in high-traffic areas such as commercial kitchens.

In commercial kitchens, Vital Oxide can be used to disinfect surfaces, utensils, and other equipment to prevent the spread of germs and viruses. It  can be applied using a spray bottle or other applicator, and left to dry or wiped clean.

Vital Oxide is a great choice for cleaning commercial kitchens because it is non-toxic and safe for use around food, and NSF certified. Traditional sanitizers may leave behind toxic residues that can contaminate food or pose a health risk to workers, but eco-friendly sanitizers are made from natural and non-toxic ingredients that are safe for use in food preparation areas.


Vital Oxide is also suitable and safe for use in schools, providing a safe and effective way to disinfect classrooms and other high-traffic areas. In fact, many schools are now switching to eco-friendly sanitizer solutions as a way to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals for students, teachers, and staff.

In schools, eco-friendly sanitizers can be used to disinfect surfaces such as desks, door handles, and other high-touch areas. They can also be used to disinfect shared items such as art supplies and sports equipment. Vital Oxide is non-toxic and safe for use around children, making it a good choice for use in schools.

In addition to being safe, eco-friendly sanitizers are often more cost-effective than traditional sanitizers, as they require less frequent application and are often sold in bulk or wholesale quantities.

Overall, eco-friendly sanitizer solutions are a suitable option for schools, providing a safe and effective way to disinfect classrooms and prevent the spread of germs and viruses while promoting environmental responsibility.


Vital Oxide provides hospitals with  a safe and effective way to disinfect medical equipment, patient rooms, and other high-traffic areas without exposing patients and healthcare workers to harmful chemicals. In hospitals, eco-friendly sanitizers can be used to disinfect surfaces, medical equipment, and patient rooms to help prevent the spread of infections. They can be applied using a spray bottle, fogger, or other applicator, and left to dry or wiped clean.

Eco-friendly sanitizers are also safe for use around patients, making them a good choice for use in hospitals. They can also be effective at reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), which are a significant problem in many hospitals.

Eco-Friendly Sanitizer Benefits (For Your Home and Environment)

Eco-friendly sanitizer solutions like Vital Oxide offer a safe, effective, and sustainable way to keep your home clean and healthy, while minimizing your impact on the environment. Here are some of the key benefits of using Vital Oxide, for both your home and the environment:

Eco-Friendly Sanitizers Minimize Environmental Damage

While eco-friendly sanitizers are generally less harmful to the environment than traditional sanitizers, it’s important to note that no product is completely without impact. However, it’s important to consider the entire lifecycle of the product, including the environmental impact of sourcing and manufacturing the ingredients, as well as the impact of disposing of the packaging and the product itself. This is why we retail Vital Oxide with refillable Flairosol Sprayers, and in refillable containers.

Safe For Indoor Use and The Whole Family

Vital Oxide has been certified as safe for use in homes and around children, while thoroughly disinfecting, sanitizing, and killing viruses. Our products have undergone rigorous testing to ensure that they do not pose a health risk to people or pets.

Eco-friendly sanitizers are often available in a variety of formats, such as sprays, wipes, and gels, making them easy to use and suitable for a variety of applications around the home. They can be used to disinfect surfaces such as countertops, doorknobs, and light switches, as well as shared items such as toys and electronics.

Provides A Thorough Disinfecting and Cleaning

Vital Oxide provides a thorough disinfecting and cleaning of surfaces. It has been designed to kill germs and viruses, helping to prevent the spread of infections, while also removing dirt and grime. Eco-friendly sanitizers like Vital Oxide also often contain surfactants, which are cleaning agents that help to remove dirt and grime from surfaces.

Try Vital Oxide – Our Eco-Friendly Disinfectant

If you’ve been considering trying an eco-friendly disinfectant for your home, office, school, or workplace, you now know the benefits of choosing an environmentally friendly product, like Vital Oxide.

We sell Vital Oxide in a multitude of sizes and applications, and even wholesale pricing. Order Vital Oxide with Vitatek Solutions today. 

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Top 10 Cleaning Hacks For Vital Oxide

uses for vital oxide

Did you know there’s a ton of different ways to use Vital Oxide? In this article we explore the top 10 ways to use Vital Oxide for your home, for your family, your office, restaurant, and more! Discover how many different ways our eco-friendly disinfectant can help you.

What Is Vital Oxide, and What Is It Used For?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vital Oxide became one of the most trusted brands across Canada to kill up to 99.99999% of germs and viruses. Our innovative eco-friendly sanitizer is effective against germs and viruses, and completely safe for your home, family, office, or wherever you need it the most. 

Keep Your Home Sanitized and Safe From Viruses and Germs

The top use for Vital Oxide is in homes. Particularly we see frequent use in homes with young children, as naturally parents are going to want to protect their children from both germs and viruses, but also from harsh chemical cleaning products. Vital Oxide is peroxide-based, and 100% safe. Try a bottle of Vital Oxide with a Flairosol sprayer to keep your home germ-free and safe for children of all ages!

Cleaning Gyms, Yoga Mats, and Workout Equipment

vital oxide for gyms

Gyms can be one of the most rampant places of germs spreading. Because these workout areas are typically filled with high energy activities, people in gyms are breathing heavier and more prominently, filling surfaces with potentially infectious germs. 

The surfaces of gyms need to be cleaned thoroughly. In particular, yoga mats can be difficult to penetrate due to their material. Vital Oxide is the only compound that can thoroughly clean gym surfaces with an easy spray, and disinfect yoga mats safely. Trust Vital Oxide to clean your workout equipment, and keep your gymgoers safe!

Eliminate Tough Home Odours – Including Cat Litter

Cat litter is perhaps one of the most pungent and difficult scents to eradicate. Did you know Vital Oxide works to eliminate tough odours in the home – including cat litter? Keep your home smelling fresh and clean with a spritz of Vital Oxide. For an added bonus – use Vital Oxide when you clean your cat’s litter boxes – you don’t need harsh chemicals to deep clean your cat boxes, and your kitties won’t balk at the scent!

Clean Children’s and Infant’s Gear (And Cloth Diapers)

We want to protect our children as much as possible. It’s important to keep all of our infant’s gear clean, including anything they put near their mouths (as they tend to!), touch, or come into direct contact with. Vital Oxide kills 99.99999% of all viruses and germs, and is a completely eco-friendly sanitizer. This means not only is it safe for use, but it leaves no environmental trace. Adding a cap full of Vital Oxide into the wash with cloth diapers helps to give them a thorough clean, and keep your family, your children, and your babies safe.

Sanitize Earbuds and Cell Phones

We may not realize how dirty our cell phones are. We’re constantly touching them throughout the day, after touching many other surfaces. Our phones become a hub for germs without us even knowing it! One quick bit of Vital Oxide can wipe away those germs.

Similarly, earbuds build up grime and dirt throughout the days that we don’t see. The buildup for our earbuds and Airpods can get to be quite overwhelming. We recommend taking a Q-Tip and using Vital Oxide to clean these safely, and remove all of the dirt and grime – your music and podcasts will sound much better – trust us!

Deep Clean Trash Bins, Recycling Containers, and Garbage Receptacles (At Home and In Office!)

Deep cleaning can be an absolute chore. We all dread doing it. When we deep clean all of our home garbage and recycling containers, we’re hoping to eradicate grime, food waste, and nasty scents – for as long as possible! Vital Oxide makes the process much easier by firstly being an effective eco-friendly cleaning solution that also sanitizes surfaces, and secondly by coming with a convenient Flairosol spray bottle. Oftentimes you can spray, walk away, and come back later to rinse off all of the residue.

This works for the office, too. Clean communal garbage cans and high-traffic areas with a spray of Vital Oxide to keep the office clean and safe for employees. 

Industrial Kitchen or Restaurant? Keep Them Sanitized With Vital Oxide

vital oxide for commercial kitchens

If you operate a restaurant or large scale kitchen, you know how much time is dedicated to deep cleaning them each and every night, long after the restaurant is closed. Oftentimes employees spend upwards of two to three hours to properly ‘close’ a kitchen, just for it to be opened the next morning and repeated. 

Vital Oxide makes keeping industrial and commercial kitchens clean a breeze. You can use Vital Oxide with an electrostatic sprayer to evenly spread the eco-friendly disinfectant, and cut down on cleaning time. 

Keep Your Gardens and Plants Bountiful and Healthy

Part of an unhappy indoor garden’s environment is the pot and containers they’re grown in. Having dirty containers, or containers cleaned with acidic chemicals, can affect how much nutrients your plants are receiving from the soil. 

Vital Oxide is 100% eco-friendly and safe to use in any plant matter and for cleaning gardening equipment, and keeps your produce safe, and your plants healthy and tall! For large scale industrial gardens and nurseries, we recommend Growers Oxide! 

Sanitize Your Humidifiers, Air Conditioners, and Portable Heaters

Any units that move or purify air can become contaminated with airborne toxins and even virus germs. Think about that humidifier you use when you’re sick. Similarly, portable air conditioners rely on the fresh outdoors to bring in air and the unit’s filter is prone to dirt and grime. This means the air your air conditioner is bringing in could be contaminated, and bringing in with it pollutants and dirt! 

Freshen Up Your Car’s Interior

Vital Oxide with a Flairosol sprayer is the best combination – it’s easy and lightweight, and the spray radius effectively cleans, disinfects, and reduces odours. This is perfect for your car’s interior, where scents can soak and linger into the fabric seats, and dust and grime can build up easily. Trust the combination of Vital Oxide and Flairosol!

Discover The Vital Oxide Difference

vital oxide to disinfect the office

Discover the difference Vital Oxide can make in your home, in your car, at work, and when it comes to protecting your family against tough infections, germs, and viruses. Our eco-friendly formula is 99.99999% effective against viruses like COVID-19, influenza, the common cold, and more. Vital Oxide is the best choice for fighting flus and illnesses in your home and at work.

Try Vital Oxide for yourself today, and discover the difference.